Monthly Archives: March 2014

A medical emergency

On a recent flight from ATL to SNA there were several small delays in getting started.  First the incoming plane was late, then there was the “cleaning”, finally they started the boarding process wile announcing that the plane was going to be catered, but the catering would be loaded as we got on (“to save time”).  The first people on included three people in wheelchairs, two with oxygen, and several people with crutches and canes.  As this plane was headed to a Disney location there were many small children in the next phase of loading.  Those of us with many miles trooped on.  Trying to cooperate with the flight attendants,  this was a full bird that might – with a lot of good luck and cooperation – take off close to on time.

  And did we leave on time?

Overheard flight attendants #1: “All she needs to do is lose a few pounds and have some botox, then she’ll be an asset to jetblue.”

Beating Hobbits, and “an expected journey”

I know it’s been a long time since I put anything new up here. Partly because things have been busy, partly because there’s not been much to say.

But now we’re getting back into conference and travel season. SHARE is going on right now in Anaheim, planning is well underway for Impact, several other public events and customer-specific briefings are also going on.

But here’s a couple of travel stories to be going on with.
Read some short stories